“Hi, I would like to start by saying Liv saved my life. I tried to end it multiple times before. I had been involved with the mental healthcare system for decades, but felt no noticeable benefit to my wellbeing. I felt surrounded by people who had no knowledge or idea – other than maybe from books – what it’s like to suffer from mental ill health. I had spent nearly 40 years searching for someone who could help me get out of this emotional gutter I found myself in. Finally, in my sixties, I met Liv who I instantly felt was that someone who actually understood what I was talking about and knew how to navigate me through the mind’s storm. Liv knows mental health like the back of her hand. In the most difficult and trying period in my life, she patiently and skilfully guided me every week, and succeeded where many have failed. I had paid tens of thousands of pounds for professional help, but only Liv was able to truly connect with me and effectively rewire the negative programming from my childhood with the help of superheroics, thus giving me the ability to live the rest of my life in the spirit of hope and faith, not fear. My wife and I have never felt better, plus my relationship with both my children and grandchildren has improved greatly. I can honestly say that I am finally happy, and would have never got here without Liv. For that I am eternally grateful. Many thanks.”
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Dear Christine, I want to say thank you very much for your support and phone all the other day. It